Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2007–2008
The Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School is pleased to announce the winners of the 2007-2008 Vera List University Art Collection Writing Award. Six students from Lang, New School for General Studies, and Parsons were awarded prizes ranging from $400 to $200.
On April 22, they celebrated their accomplishments in an informal gathering with artist and 2007-2008 VLC Fellow Marjetica Potrc whose work some of them had analyzed in their writings. Accordingly, in their conversation they talked about the relationship between visual and literary practice and the role of criticism for both.
This year, the prizes were awarded to the following students:
First Prize Creative Response ($400)
Julia Hermannsdottir, B.A. in Illustration, Parsons The New School for Design
For her story “The Butcher”
In response to Rirkrit Tiravanjia, Untitled (Apron with Thai Pork Sausage and Recipe), 1993
Second Prize Creative Response ($200)
Brandon Johnson, M.F.A. in Creative Writing, Parsons The New School for Design
For her poem “Warriors”
In response to Marjetica Potrc, Warriors, 2001
Honorable Mention Creative Response
Nicole Dular, B.A. in Philosophy, Eugene Lang College
For her text “Somewhere Between”
In response to Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Untitled (from Aktion Wien portfolio), 1965-66
First Prize Critical Response ($400)
Hannes Steen Thornhammar, B.B.A., Design & Management, Parsons The New School for Design
For his essay “Earl Staley-The Triumph of Bacchus”
In response to Earl Staley, Triumph of Bacchus #4, 1983
Second Price Critical Response ($200)
Kyle Garson, B.A. in Photography, Parsons The New School for Design
For his essay “(Untitled text)”
In response to Rachel Harrison, Perth Amboy (man praying), 2001
Honorable Mention Critical Response
Veronica Cassidy, B.A. in Cultural and Media Studies, Eugene Lang College
For her essay “Trapped in the Intestinal Tract: Kara Walker’s Event Horizon”
In response to Kara Walker, Event Horizon, 2005
2007-2008 Jury
Neil Gordon, Dean, Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts
Carin Kuoni, Director, The Vera List Center for Art and Politics
Joshua Mack, Advisory Committee, VLC; TimeOut, Modern Painters an
Rosemary O’Neill, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Associate Professor of Art History, Parsons The New School for Design
Robert Polito, Director, Writing Program and M.F.A. in Creative Writing, The New School for General Studies
Silvia Rocciolo, Co-curator, The New School Art Collection

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2004–2005

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2005–2006

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2006–2007

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2007–2008

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2009–2010

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2010–2011

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Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2011–2012

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2012–2013

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Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2014–2015

Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2015–2016