New York Times: A Seed Artist Germinates History
Oct 31, 2017
An article by Annie Correal, New York Times, Oct. 31, 2017
A Seed Artist Germinates History: An exhibition using plants brought to New York in ships’ ballast illuminates the city’s hidden past using stinging nettle, milk thistle and amaranth.
About 140 years ago, a botanist named Addison Brown noticed an unfamiliar red-tendriled plant growing around Red Hook, Brooklyn. Trade had lately picked up, he told readers of the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club in 1879, and as ships arrived, they dumped thousands of tons of ballast — earth and stones used to stabilize ships — that carried seeds from far-off lands. The red plant, among several new species growing along Gowanus Creek, was Amaranthus crispus, native to South America.
“Amaranth,” said Marisa Prefer, a gardener leading a group through the same neighborhood last week, picking up a stalk of the crumbly plant, which was spilling out from a crack in the sidewalk like a Medusa head. “These wild urban plants can survive in the craziest circumstances.”
This year, a few dozen New Yorkers have been learning about and growing plant species that were inadvertently brought to the city in ship ballast as part of “Seeds of Change,” an ongoing exploration of the phenomenon by the artist Maria Thereza Alves. Ms. Alves, whose exhibition on local ballast plants opens on Friday at the galleries of the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at the New School, is the most recent winner of the Vera List Center Prize for Art and Politics. She has spent nearly two decades uncovering long-buried colonial histories using ballast seeds, which can lie dormant in the soil for hundreds of years, only to sprout in the right conditions.
VLC Prize Announcement
2016-2018 Prize Recipient: Maria Thereza Alves

Nov 1, 2016
Panel, Prize Ceremony
Prize Ceremony and Keynote Conversation with Maria Thereza Alves and Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Nov 3, 2017
Secret Gardens: Rahel Aima on Maria Thereza Alves’s Seeds of Change
