Our Archive collects nearly 500 public events with artists, scholars, historians, and other thinkers and makers who consider wide-ranging topics of social relevance.


Brooklyn Rail: Carmen Amengual’s A Non-Coincidental Mirror


In Search of “My Beloved Pauline”New School News: The Vera List Center for Art and Politics Explores “Correct History*” in 2024 Forum TopicCarmen Amengual: A Non-Coincidental Mirror (forthcoming)Carmen Amengual: A Non-Coincidental MirrorVLC Forum 2024: Correct History*Phantom TerritorySeminar 11: Many Returns


야생의 파도와 함께 with tides of the wildDemon of the heart


Song of CurvesJorge González: Escuela de OficiosNayanTara Gurung Kakshapati: Nepal Picture LibraryOwed to a Certain Emptiness: Infra-structuring the Conflictorium


The Idols of ISIS: From Assyria to the InternetTowards a Temporal Rezoning: Unmapping the Time Zones. A Talk by VLC Fellow Rasheedah PhillipsPalais de Mari: A Tribute to Maurice Berger, Part IIIThe Berger Object: A Tribute to Maurice Berger, Part IQueer Archives: Between the Individual and the Institutional


Being Together Precedes BeingFESTAC ’77, a concert by Craig HarrisTiffany Chung: The Vietnam Exodus Project


Mendi + Keith Obadike: Blues Speaker [for James Baldwin]


By Any Name: A Tiny Archive of Critical Viewpoints on The New School


Patrons of Progress: The New School University Art Collection


Havana. Patrimony, Patience, and Progress: Architecture, Urban Planning, and Historic Preservation in Havana, Cuba

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2009–2010Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2010–2011Delivery Express: No Justicia, No Pizza!


French Children of the Holocaust: A Memorial Exhibition