Broadsheet, Catalogue
OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding
On view at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at Parsons The New School for Design from October 15, 2008, to February 1, 2009, the exhibition OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding is conceived as an interdisciplinary investigation of democracy positioned as a consumer brand. Original commissions and new works by Yael Bartana, Sam Durant, Liam Gillick, Aleksandra Mir, Carlos Motta, Trevor Paglen, The Yes Men, Erick Beltrán, Alexis Bhagat, Paul Chan, Joseph DeLappe, Alexandra Domanović, Kota Ezawa, Andrea Geyer, Sharon Hayes, Susan Hiller, Ashley Hunt, I Approve This Message, Institute for Infinitely Small Things, Emma Kay, Komar & Melamid, Asaf Koriat, Runo Lagomarsino, Steve Lambert, Les Liens Invisibles, Ligorano/Reese, Miguel Luciano, Michael Mandiberg, Emery C. Martin, Dave Muller, Timo Nasseri, Ariel Orozco, PETLab, Nadine Robinson, Anri Sala, Hank Willis Thomas, Johan Tirén, Brian Tolle, Judi Werthein, Wooloo Productions, and Carey Young. The exhibition is guest-curated by Carin Kuoni and Marisa Olson (web component) and accompanied by a newspaper-style exhibition guide designed by Project Projects.
The guide contains introductory statements by the curators; a complete list of public programs associated with the exhibition and the Vera List Center’s 2008-09 curatorial focus, Branding Democracy; and information on artworks and participants.
OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding Exhibition Guide (PDF)