
A German Reckoning: The 60th Anniversary of World War II

Jun 20, 2005

7:00–9:00pm ET

The New School, Orozco Room

A German Reckoning: The 60th Anniversary of World War II examines German culture and history on the occasion of this anniversary year. German-born New York artist Hans Haacke presents his current Reichstag installation project Der Bevölkerung; critic and scholar James Young discusses the newly inaugurated Berlin Holocaust Memorial by Peter Eisenman; historian Atina Grossmann examines the relationship between the current debate over the memory of the war and the mid-1990s debate over Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners; and historian Anson Rabinbach evaluates the recent discourse of normalization. Noah Isenberg, Chair of The New School Department of Humanities, moderates.

Noah Isenberg

Hans Haacke
James Young
Atina Grossmann
Anson Rabinbach

This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Humanities and The Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School, and Bookforum